Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Iron Sleet Invitational


So when i saw Iron Sleet had opened up their Invitational to the public I jumped at the chance to finish up some models I've being doing for my little Atlas Infernal Project.


A small contingent of Savlar Chem Dogs has been dispatched to the Thorn Moons, Sent as an alternative to the standard death penalty in the Savlar Prison complexes, the men of the 010 more commonly known as the X Squad were thought to be completely Ill equipped for the campaign ahead.

Initial reports from the battle field seem to suggest that not only have the Chem Dogs survived the preliminary strikes and hostile LZ's but have excelled, Their predisposition for stealing and scavenging gear and constructing breathing apparatus to inhale their various home made narcotics has given them the upper hand in the hostile environments.

The rate of reports from various other regiments complaining of lost or stolen gear has increased dramatically since the chem dogs made planet fall, little to no evidence can be linked to the two...

The surviving members of Savlar Penal Squad X led by Steward Sergeant Hall

Steward Sergeant Hall

"Corporal" Lance

Also Necromunda gang pics coming very soon!